Passenger trains leasing solutions

Passenger trains leasing solutions

We at Akiem are convinced that the train is the best mobility solution to face the challenges of climate change.

The train is the best solution to encounter the challenges of climate change. However, ambitious European goals in rail transport policy require:

  • Significant and unprecedented investments, in a context of deteriorating public finances,
  • Technical skills to successfully carry out highly complex rail procurement projects.

As the European leader in leasing solutions for rail freight operators, Akiem now also offers tailor-made passenger train rentals for passenger rail operators and transport authorities throughout Europe, combining its rail expertise with its unique financing capabilities.

A tailor-made offer

Increasingly attractive trains

  • Permanent investments in passenger comfort: new seats, quality Wi-Fi network, bike storages, etc.
  • Technical modifications of the train aimed at optimizing its lifespan and accelerating the decarbonization of the fleet

A range of services throughout the train’s life cycle

  • In the initial phase:
    • Design and choice of equipment, in collaboration with the customer
    • Acquisition of the train from the manufacturer
    • Structuring of acquisition financing
  • Throughout the train’s lifespan, active fleet management in partnership with the customer:
    • Control and optimization of routine maintenance
    • Coordination of heavy maintenance operations
  • Takeover of residual value risks: transfer of the train from one customer to another – Train’s end-of-life management

Flexible rental duration:

  • Rental’s duration can be adjusted according to the customer’s needs and constraints


The advantages of our offer

Better control of costs and risks

  • Investment costs, through competitive purchasing and financing conditions
  • Maintenance costs: control and assistance on the continuous optimization of the maintenance plan
  • Financial risks: fixed rents for the entire duration of the contract and securing of heavy maintenance financing

Akiem – Your local partner

Passenger leasing team is based in two European capitals, Paris and Berlin.

We are here for you

Contact us